Materials Needed:
Grip Type Shelf liner (any color)
E hook (or hook that will fit into the holes in the shelf liner)
Cardboard circle
Small amount of yarn
Draw a circle on a piece of cardboard or piece of cardstock. Make the circle any size you want. If you don’t have a compass to draw out the circle, you can use a bowl and just trace around it. This will become your pattern for cutting the circle out of shelf liner.
Row 1: Sc around the shelf liner circle. Do not sc in the holes that are close to the edge. Sc in the holes that are at least one space away from the edge. Join with a slip stitch to first sc.
Row 2: *Sc in the next 5 sc, 2 sc in the next sc (increase made)*. The increases will help your jar opener to lie flat. Repeat from * to * around. Join with slip stitch to first sc. End off and weave in the ends.